Top 25 Fastest Growing Companies in the Corridor
This year in our tenth year of established business, SOS Sales Help was honored with being named one the Top 25 Fastest Growing Companies in the Corridor.
To say this is an honor is truly an understatement, this past year my business partner, Jason Siefken, and myself have worked long and hard to re-establish ourselves in both the community and nationwide as an innovative partner for our Clients and a choice that will drive revenue for them. A partner that is dedicated to mutual success for our client by creating a transparent relationship with our Clients; one that embodies real-time communication to/from our clients, our Agents and myself.
We pride ourselves on being flexible and nimble to our Client’s needs so that we can motivate and guide your base to a solution.
As I indicated above 10 years ago, my business partner, Jason Siefken, CEO & Founder wanted to create a more executive inside sales team that could be a direct extension of our Clients. He wanted to be able to provide Agents that really embody our Clients in their day to day interactions with their customers and prospects. In this, we wanted to display our intelligent workforce who can engage with your customers and prospects and creatively and passionately share your value statement.
He also wanted to provide a workplace in the community where mutual respect is a “real thing” and that our Agents work hard for us and for you because they want and feel the success. As well, he wanted to be able to provide a positive environment where our employees can learn and grow in a fun, exhilarating atmosphere.
As we bask in the reward of being in the Top 25 Fastest Growing Companies in the Corridor, we all feel that the months and years of working to get to this place is a prize that we gladly and warmly share with our Clients, our Partners and our Employees.