
Top Expert Tips for New Managers

Expert Tips for First-Time Managers

Recently I came across a list of these Expert Tips for First-Time Managers, and I couldn’t help but think, “I wish I had seen these early in my career.”  I mean, who hasn’t thought they wanted someone to tell them something about how to be a manager.

As a result, I have started to use this as weekly development sessions for individuals that I have been given advancement opportunities to recently.  Each of the topics serve as a module for that week as we jointly do more research. To further the process, I assign “homework” for them to use and apply in the new managerial duties.  In addition, throughout the week, I have found that these new managers want to stop in and just chat for a bit about some of the facets of these tips.

Before I go any further, the Top Ten (10) are-

  1. Take time to understand the business in which you are operating.
  2. Develop time-management skills.  
  3. Practice active listening skills.
  4. Know how to motivate and lead employees.  
  5. Continue your own training and development.  
  6. Don’t stay isolated in the office.
  7. Don’t pretend you know all the answers.  
  8. Don’t take all the credit.
  9. Don’t expect employees to be perfect.  
  10. Learn to delegate effectively.

Like I said above, I did not come up with this list, and quite honestly I couldn’t come up with a better list if I tried.

If a manager is responsible for administering all or part of a company or similar organization as defined when I use Google, then these 10 tips could not be more spot on.  These tips do not tell you how to do each of these, but they do provide an excellent platform for what I described above – explanation, discussion, share, research, apply and so forth.  In fact, some of the discussions get more in depth as you even explore the values of some and/or what are characteristic of others.

And let’s face it, there are some managers who do not get this till well into their manager years or worse yet ever.  And it’s no wonder why it’s written that people leave managers, not jobs.

Most people want to do well and just by openly and honestly sharing these, managers first-time or not can be better leaders who have the ability to communicate, encourage, persuade and influence to be more productive and happier which only leads to more success for everyone.

So check them out and my sincere wish is that you find them as impactful as I have. So enjoy.

As President of SOS Sales Help since March of 2017, Craig expertly leads the team that manages the development, execution and growth of Account Management, Partner Operations and Strategic Services as well as HR, Quality and Training for the company in this executive teleservices business. Prior to this, he invested the last thirty years at Infinity, APAC and Entertel in successful leadership roles.

Reward and Recognize Your Employees

10 Excellent Methods to Reward & Recognize Your Employees

Since the beginning of time, people have needed and wanted recognition for their efforts. And then in return for that recognition they want to be rewarded for those same efforts.

So because this has been going on for hundreds and thousands of years, there are equally as many answers and suggestions for rewards & recognition.

In the call center industry, it is part of our daily life and we find it a “must-do” in our coordinating and planning of our call activities. In fact so much so that we speak to this in our pre sales process with our prospective clients as well as a major part of our implementation process for new program start ups and/or project re starts.  Let’s just say that rewards & recognition make you employees happy, appreciated and committed in the simplest of terms. And in turn, these traits will equate to satisfied, dedicated and loyal teammates.

But to that end, we still want to list some of our favorite and maybe even unique methods to reward & recognize your employees for not just successes but for their efforts too (not to mention that these efforts turn into successes with the right rewards & recognition along with coaching & development).  So they are:

  1. Simple shaking of hands or clap on the back goes a long that you just thought and invested that minute with them
  2. Standing ovation for an employee, just covertly get them into a room with their fellow teammates and then give them a round of applause; you will be amazed at the response of this concerted effort
  3. FOOD Food food any type of food whether it be breakfast or lunch in the office or cocktails &/or dinner outside of the office or even healthy or not-so-healthy snacks are usually a fan favorite and definitely display support
  4. Getting them scratch off tickets to give as spot rewards through the day is super fun & gets every in a good mood (at modest expense)
  5. Giving them early outs paid or better yet paid days off (or birthdays paid off) – All of them are received very well and appreciated
  6. Running errands for your employees rewards them in both time & money – Something every one enjoys, some of those include:  Getting their car washed, taking/picking up their dry cleaning; having their laundry done are just a few ideas
  7. Presenting them with a hand-written thank you note is “old school” but personal and endearing
  8. Awarding them with some type of on site benefit that they wouldn’t normally get “at work, for example – body massage or haircut
  9. Giving them time off paid to volunteer for a worthy cause
  10. Playing in-house tournaments, such as checkers, scrabble, ping pong just to name a few

When they say it’s the thought that counts, well they couldn’t be any plainer. It really is the thought that counts when recognizing someone in your office space that has done something to be rewarded.  They are grateful themselves and then go out and spread the news of the company’s good nature and then everyone is awarded.  It’s a WIN Win win.

As President of SOS Sales Help since March of 2017, Craig expertly leads the team that manages the development, execution and growth of Account Management, Partner Operations and Strategic Services as well as HR, Quality and Training for the company in this executive teleservices business. Prior to this, he invested the last thirty years at Infinity, APAC and Entertel in successful leadership roles.

Right Budget for Your Outbound Calling Campaign

What’s the right budget for my outbound calling campaign?

First of all, there is no right or wrong answer to this question about what is the right budget for your outbound calling campaign.

But I do have a few questions that you can use as a guide to determining the amount of spend that you should invest and then see as a return to your marketing supplement in an outbound campaign.

Here are some thought-provoking questions to ask yourself or those who work with you to make a decision –

  • What is the size of your marketing database?
    • I.e. How many viable customers and/or prospects do you have available with contact information like phone &/or email?
  • What is your revenue goal for that period as in month or quarter or even annual?
  • What type of Return on Investment (ROI) expectations or requirements do you have for yourself or at your company?
  • What kind of budget do you have allocated for marketing?
    • Is this specified for digital marketing or direct mail or telemarketing?
    • If so, do you have discretion to reallocate from one to subsidize the other?
  • How do you need to report and track on the value and success of the campaign?
    • Does it include a cost per acquisition type formula so you can tie in the spend?
  • Do you have a plan?
    • And if you do, are  you ready, willing and able to be flexible and nimble with that plan when/if necessary?

So these are just some of the questions that you should ask yourself as your prepare your outbound campaign, but these above will give you a fair idea of what type of budget you need to achieve your goals for that time period.

But you should plan to be sure that you invest some dollar amount that give you at least a dedicated resource to execute on your campaign. Much less than this doesn’t always provide the economy of scale that you are in need of for success.

And the best part about all of this, is that you can adjust as you go if you find it necessary to do so.  Especially if you are and am sure you will be, crushing you goals, so why not invest more?!

As President of SOS Sales Help since March of 2017, Craig expertly leads the team that manages the development, execution and growth of Account Management, Partner Operations and Strategic Services as well as HR, Quality and Training for the company in this executive teleservices business. Prior to this, he invested the last thirty years at Infinity, APAC and Entertel in successful leadership roles.

Being Positive

What do Positive Energy, Solutions and Results do for your Performance?

Values are an integral part of any businesses core business plan, just as they are an integral part of any individual.  We all have them; we all need them.

What’s really important is when the core values of a business intertwine with the individuals as their employees as then you see how values “up their game” in all aspects of their life – at work and at home.

So first of all, what is a value defined as?  It is defined as:




plural noun: values

  1. 1.

the regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.

“your support is of great value”

synonyms: worth, usefulness, advantage, benefit, gain, profit, good, help, merit, helpfulness, avail;More


  1. 2.

a person’s principles or standards of behavior; one’s judgment of what is important in life.

“they internalize their parents’ rules and values”

synonyms: principles, ethics, moral code, morals, standards, code of behavior

“society’s values are passed on to us as children”

[As defined by in Google search]

Positive Energy

The first value we will explore is Positive Energy.  Positive Energy is so easy and yet oh so critical.  Just by hearing an individual, using positive statements to themselves and others.  Or just using positive phrases to others and yourself.  Recognize others with positive statements when achievements are made as well as self-talk positive things when you yourself achieve a “win” or personal best.  Don’t complain. Be appreciative of the self improvement.  Look at life as a lesson, not a problem.  It helps you stay optimistic.

Positive Solutions

The next value to look at is Positive Solutions.  How do we create Positive Solutions?  How do we impact them?  Don’t envision failures, don’t think of them as issues, but put this in a position of lessons learned which in the end create positive solutions.  Acknowledge those around you also that  are part of a positive solution and don’t let them go unnoticed for minimize their effort.  Whether that is your manager or co-worker or employee or partner or significant other or child. Or even just an acquaintance.

Positive Results

And last – Positive Results.  As you displaying Positive Energy and creating Positive Solutions, then you are going to be delivering Positive Results. Imagine these results by executing on the plan, just by envisioning success.  This includes visualizing yourself being actively engaged in the process and delivering the type of results that will prove your skill and accountability.

Positive vales creates a positive life for you and those surrounding you and impacts positively your performance.

As President of SOS Sales Help since March of 2017, Craig expertly leads the team that manages the development, execution and growth of Account Management, Partner Operations and Strategic Services as well as HR, Quality and Training for the company in this executive teleservices business. Prior to this, he invested the last thirty years at Infinity, APAC and Entertel in successful leadership roles.